The Original Decontamination Forum Since 1960.

The Central Sterilising Club

About Us

The Central Sterilising Club was founded in 1960 by a small group of enthusiastic individuals who were either working in the rapidly evolving central sterile supply depts, or were attempting to solve the many problems associated with developing rapid, safe methods for sterilizing items in bulk.

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Martin Exner - Kelsey Lecture 2024

The early meetings were chaired by the late Professor Darmady, then Senior Pathologist at Portsmouth, and attended by medical and scientific experts who became involved in the future developments. Many notable figures in the sterilization field have been, or are, members of the Club.

The Club still flourishes and its strength is its multi-disciplinary membership which includes: Medical and non-medical microbiologists Infection Prevention nurses,  Authorized persons (sterilizers) Sterile Service staff who together with industry involved in all aspects of sterilization, make up a unique blend of skill experience and acknowledged expertise.


Strategic Partners

Several successful national groups have emerged from the Club’s membership, including the Institute for Decontamination Sciences (IDSc and formally the ISSM), the Infection Prevention Society (IPS, formally ICNA) and the Healthcare Infection Society (formally Hospital Infection Society). Similar groups based on the CSC have been formed in other countries.

The Club’s annual meeting is the only forum where members of all groups can meet, exchange ideas and solve mutual problems. The design of the meeting allows ample time for discussions in both formal sessions and in the less formal atmosphere for which the Club is noted.

The History of CSC

The Central Sterilising Club is founded
Publication of guidance on Sterilisation and Disinfection of Heat Labile Equipment, Working Party Report No. 2, Central Sterilising Club
Publication of guidance on Hygiene for Hydro therapy pools – Working Party Report No. 3. 1986
CSC members contribute to the national audit of decontamination standards in English hospitals.
First CSC female Chair – Tina Bradley
Publication of guidance on air quality in endoscope decontamination facilities – Working party report.
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