The Original Decontamination Forum Since 1960.


The Club holds two educational events every year, both being accredited for continuing professional development (CPD), which is currently organised through the Royal College and Pathologist’s scheme. The program is submitted for review and an appropriate number of CPD points allocated to the content.

Central Sterilising Club Events

About CSC Events

The first of the CSC events is a two-day Annual Scientific Meeting which is held in the Spring and comprises a formal programme of lectures, from invited speakers, and a selected number of corporate presentations, which combine to cover a broad range of hot topics.  It also includes The Kelsey Lecture which was established in 1980 through a donation generously made by Dr Jos Kelsey to enable a guest lecturer of international repute to be invited to speak at the conference.  The first Kelsey Lecture was delivered by Dr P Makela, from Helsinki at Keele University in 1982 on the topic of “Some Problems in Field Evaluation of Hand Disinfection”  The lecture continue to be funded from CSC membership. A list of Kelsey lectures can be found on the about page. The conference venue and location change every year, to allow equitable access opportunities for members from all areas of the UK.

The second education event of the year is the CSC Autumn Study Day.  Traditionally this has been held in Birmingham and is usually based around a specific theme covering topical subjects chosen from current challenges faced by members.

Neither of the CSC events include a trade exhibition, however, our commercial partners are given the opportunity to make corporate presentations at our annual scientific meeting to highlight the development of novel and interesting products or processes but on the proviso that the content is based on scientific merit.  Delegate feedback has suggested that this part of the programme is very much welcomed, however pure sales pitches have proved to be far less popular!

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